My Role Model

 My Role Model 

It is kinda odd to choose my friend as my role model, but I have learned many lessons from him. I came to this island with no experience of being a stranger in a strange place. I had so much troubles just to have a conversation with my classmates. 

Until I meet my friend at 7th grade. He was also the same person just like me at 2nd grade. But there was a difference between him and me. He didn't afraid to talk to the strangers even though he didn't know any English that time. He even lead me to have more relationship with others. 

I'm really thankfull to him that he lead me to the way I was suppose to be. There was no  reason for him to help me, but his action that came from his heart. I was inspired and came to an idea: one day I will also help people who needs my help. 
